Passive House Conference 2016

Passive House Conference 2016

by Kath Outhred, Project Manager for EDGE Architectural

In February, I spent time at Melbourne Uni attending workshops as part of the Passive House conference. The driver of passive house is to ensure a comfortable interior environment without relying on energy consumption to achieve it.

The first workshop, Passive House (PH) on Scale looked at what was required to achieve PH Certification for a commercial building. The presentation discussed the process through which a PH Consultant is engaged throughout the project to analyse, model and monitor components of a building that will lead to PH certification.
The second workshop, Decarbonising Passive House, focussed on the CO2 impact to our environment from passive house. The presenter was very much trying to engage the audience to think about PH ideas (reduction in energy consumption), but continuing this application through to the construction materials and their impact to the environment.

It was a fascinating day, lots of lively discussion and many extremely smart people – myself not included, my head was about to explode by the end of the day. If you’re interested, check out:

Read more about Passive House here: