Whether wet glazing or dry glazing, EDGE is the answer

With the flexibility of the EDGE DNA, our suites accommodate both wet glazing and dry glazing

Often the best solution or the right method for doing something depends many factors. “Right” varies for different architectural projects. When in comes to architectural window systems for commercial projects, factors like on-site versus factory glazing, as well as project location, system application, specified performance standards and project timelines all come into play.

Although designed for the high performance of dry glazing, the systems of EDGE Architectural accept dry or wet glazing. This provides the fabricator and glazier with flexibility to choose the system that will deliver the best result for a specific project. Flexibility benefits everyone from fabricator to builder to architect to building owner and end users.

Wet glazing applies a gunable wet seal, while dry glazing is completed with placement of a pre-formed gasket.

The dry glazing advantage

Dry glazing is the common designation for systems utilizing pre-formed high performance compression fitting gaskets on both sides of the glass to provide a seal. The total in-place cost of gasket systems is similar to “Wet” or “Wet/Dry” systems. The ruggedness of dry glazing systems allows of installation under a wide range of environmental and job site conditions. Additionally, gaskets offer ease of installation and afford greater opportunity for consistent workmanship and system performance.

Dry glazing systems limit air and water infiltration. Drainage systems and pressure equalised design wall systems manage the overall performance. Top load or push in gasket design eliminates the likelihood of gaskets located on the underside becoming dislodged, as has frequently been the case with conventional “roll in” gaskets.

The wet glazing option

The glazing industry in Melbourne has accepted wet glazing as standard practice. Over the years, many fabricators around Australia used the cheapest gaskets available in trying to reduce costs. These are made from PVC and go hard once exposed to UV; they become brittle and stretch as they are installed; they shrink back, causing ugly gaps over time.

The fenestration industry used the word “captive” very loosely as many gaskets sold as captive aren’t actually. These poor quality gaskets have a tendency to fall out and look terrible until someone pushes them back only to have them fall out on the next hot day!

All these issues have been fixed with EDGE’s superior range of gaskets.

However, prior to EDGE, these issues led to the glass industry, Melbourne in particular, focusing on wet glazing. Fabricators believe if you seal it all up with silicone, you don’t have to worry about water getting into the frame system. Of course, this relies on the wet glazing being complete with no holes or gaps in the silicone glazing. Experienced tradespeople can wet glaze on-site faster and, potentially, cheaper than dry glazing.

To learn more about the multiple glazing options of the EDGE ranges and how the flexibly of our systems can benefit your next commercial construction project, contact us.